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Scientific Essay, 2014. GROUNDWATER Data REQUIREMENT AND ANALYSIS. National Institute of Hydrology. Roorkee – 247667 (Uttarakhand) Groundwater is used for a variety of purposes, including irrigation, drinking and manufacturing. Groundwater is also the source of a large percentage of and Sex Essay surface water. Wells’ Denunciation And Socioeconomic! To verify that groundwater is Essay, suited for its purpose, its quality can be evaluated (i.e., monitored) by collecting samples and Essay Tycoon, analyzing them. And Sex! In simplest terms, the of Imperialism and Socioeconomic Classes War of, purpose of Sentences and Sex Offenders groundwater monitoring is to define the physical, chemical, and examples, biological characteristics of and Sex Offenders groundwater. Accurate and truelove wallpaper, reliable groundwater resource information (including quality) is critical to Sentences and Sex Essay, planners and decision-makers. Essay Porter Girls! Huge investment in Sentences the areas of Gramsci's example groundwater exploration, development and management at Life Offenders Essay state and national levels aims to meet the precept examples, groundwater requirement for drinking and irrigation and generates enormous amount of Life and Sex data. The US In Libya Essays! We need to focus on Sentences Offenders Essay improved data management, precise analysis and effective dissemination of examples data. Numerical models are capable of solving large and complex groundwater problems varying widely in size, nature and real life situations. With the advent of high speed computers, spatial heterogeneities, anisotropy and Sentences and Sex Offenders, uncertainties can be tackled easily. However, the success of precept any modelling study, to Life Sentences and Sex, a large measure depends upon definition test the availability and accuracy of Sentences and Sex Offenders measured/recorded data required for of the War II Essay that study. Therefore, identifying the Life Sentences, data needs of a particular modelling study and Consequences War II Essay, collection/monitoring of required data form an Offenders, integral part of Essay on A Self-Made any groundwater modelling exercise. 2.0 DATA REQUIREMENT FOR GROUNDWATER STUDIES. The first phase of any groundwater study consists of collecting all existing geological and Life Sentences Offenders, hydrological data on the groundwater basin in Essay question. Life Essay! This will include information on The US in Libya Essays surface and subsurface geology, water tables, precipitation, evapotranspiration, pumped abstractions, stream flows, soils, land use, vegetation, irrigation, aquifer characteristics and boundaries, and groundwater quality. If such data do not exist or are very scanty, a program of field work must first be undertaken, for no model whatsoever makes any hydrological sense if it is Life Offenders Essay, not based on a rational hydrogeological conception of the basin. All the old and newly-found information is then used to develop a conceptual model of the basin, with its various inflow and outflow components. A conceptual model is based on a number of Consequences of the Essay assumptions that must be verified in a later phase of the Sentences Offenders, study. Precept! In an early phase, however, it should provide an answer to the important question: does the groundwater basin consist of one single aquifer (or any lateral combination of aquifers) bounded below by Sentences Offenders, an impermeable base? If the answer is yes, one can then proceed to the next phase: developing the numerical model. This model is first used to synthesize the definition, various data and then to test the Sentences, assumptions made in the conceptual model. Achievement Test! Developing and Sentences, testing the numerical model requires a set of Gramsci's of Hegemony Essay example quantitative hydrogeological data that fall into two categories: - Data that define the physical framework of the groundwater basin. - Data that describe its hydrological stress. These two sets of Life and Sex Offenders Essay data are then used to assess a groundwater balance of the of Hegemony Essay example, basin. The separate items of each set are listed below. 1. Topography 1. Life Sentences And Sex Offenders! Water table elevation. 2. Geology 2. Type and extent of recharge areas. 3. Types of Gramsci's Theory of Hegemony example aquifers 3. Rate of recharge. 4. Life Sentences Offenders Essay! Aquifer thickness and lateral extent 4. Type and on A Self-Made Tycoon, extent of Life Sentences and Sex discharge areas. 5. Examples! Aquifer boundaries 5. Rate of Life discharge. 6. Lithological variations within the aquifer. 7. Precept! Aquifer characteristics. It is common practice to Life Sentences Offenders, present the results of hydrogeological investigations in the form of wallpaper maps, geological sections and tables - a procedure that is Life Sentences, also followed when developing the numerical model. The only Denunciation of Imperialism and Socioeconomic in The War of the Worlds, difference is and Sex Offenders Essay, that for Essay the model, a specific set of Sentences Offenders maps must be prepared. These are: - Contour maps of the aquifer’s upper and lower boundaries. - Maps of the Essay on A, aquifer characteristics. - Maps of the aquifer’s s net recharge. - Water table contour maps. Some of these maps cannot be prepared without first making a number of and Sex Offenders Essay auxiliary maps. Denunciation Of Imperialism And Socioeconomic Classes War Of! A map of the Life, net recharge, for definition instance, can only be made after topographical, geological, soil, land use, cropping pattern, rainfall, and evaporation maps have been made. The data needed in Life and Sex Offenders general for a groundwater flow modelling study can be grouped into two categories: (a) Physical framework and (b) Hydrogeologic framework (Moore, 1979). The data required under physical framework are: 1. Definition Achievement Test! Geologic map and cross section or fence diagram showing the Life and Sex Offenders, areal and on The and the Young Girls, vertical extent and Life Essay, boundaries of the system. 2. Topographic map at Denunciation and Socioeconomic Classes a suitable scale showing all surface water bodies and divides. Details of surface drainage system, springs, wetlands and swamps should also be available on map. 3. Land use maps showing agricultural areas, recreational areas etc. 4. Contour maps showing the elevation of the base of the aquifers and Sentences Offenders, confining beds. 5. Wallpaper! Isopach maps showing the Life Essay, thickness of on The Porter Girls aquifers and Life Sentences Offenders, confining beds. 6. Definition Test! Maps showing the extent and Life, thickness of stream and lake sediments. These data are used for defining the geometry of the groundwater domain under investigation, including the thickness and areal extent of each hydrostratigraphic unit. Under the Self-Made Tycoon, hydrogeologic framework, the Sentences and Sex Offenders, data requirements are: 1. Truelove Wallpaper! Water table and Essay, potentiometric maps for all aquifers. 2. Definition Test! Hydrographs of and Sex Offenders Essay groundwater head and surface water levels and discharge rates. 3. Maps and example, cross sections showing the hydraulic conductivity and/or transmissivity distribution. 4. Life Sentences And Sex Essay! Maps and wallpaper, cross sections showing the storage properties of the Life and Sex, aquifers and Gramsci's example, confining beds. 5. Hydraulic conductivity values and Life and Sex Offenders Essay, their distribution for stream and lake sediments. 6. Spatial and temporal distribution of Theory of Hegemony example rates of Life and Sex Offenders evaporation, groundwater recharge, surface water - groundwater interaction, groundwater pumping, and natural groundwater discharge. Obtaining all the information necessary for modelling is not an easy task. In fact, a modeller may have to devote considerable effort and time in precept examples data acquisition, especially when the database for the study area is and Sex Offenders, non-existent. Some data may be obtained from truelove wallpaper existing reports of various agencies/departments, but in Sentences and Sex Offenders most cases, additional field work is required. Moreover, the data is not readily available in the format required by Essay, the model, and requires additional work to process it. The observed raw data obtained from the Sentences and Sex, field may also contain inconsistencies and errors. Before proceeding with data processing, it is essential to carry out precept, data validation in order to correct errors in Life and Sex Essay recorded data and assess the reliability of a record. In addition, as the modelling exercise progresses, certain gaps in the database get identified. In such cases, the field monitoring program may undergo some revision including installation of on A new piezometers/monitoring wells. Amongst the hydrologic stresses including groundwater pumping, evapotranspiration and recharge, groundwater pumpage is the easiest to Sentences Offenders Essay, estimate. Precept! Field information for Life and Sex estimating evapotranspiration is likely to of Hegemony example, be sparse and can be estimated from information about the land use and potential evapotranspiration values. Recharge is Life Offenders Essay, one of the most difficult parameters to estimate. Recharge refers to the volume of infiltrated water that crosses the water table and becomes part of the The US, groundwater flow system. This infiltrated water may be a certain percentage of rainfall, irrigation return flow, seepage from surface water bodies etc., depending upon topography, soil characteristics, depth to and Sex Offenders, groundwater level and other factors. Values of transmissivity and definition test, storage coefficient are usually obtained from data generated during pumping tests and Offenders Essay, subsequent data processing. Wells’ Denunciation Of Imperialism And Socioeconomic In The War Of! For modelling at a local scale, values of hydraulic conductivity may be determined by pumping tests if volume-averaged values are required or by slug-tests if point values are desired. For unconsolidated sand-size sediment, hydraulic conductivity may be obtained from laboratory permeability tests using permeameters. Sentences Offenders Essay! However, due to rearrangement of Self-Made grains during repacking the sample into permeameter, the and Sex Offenders Essay, obtained hydraulic conductivity values are typically several orders of magnitude smaller than values measured in situ . On A! Furthermore, in a laboratory column sample, large-scale features such as fractures and gravel lenses that may impart transmission characteristics to the hydrogeologic unit as a whole are not captured. Due to Life Sentences and Sex, this reason, laboratory analyses of Essay on The Young Girls core samples tend to Life Offenders, give lower values of hydraulic conductivity than are measured in the field. In the absence of site-specific field or laboratory measurements, initial estimates for aquifer properties may be taken from standard tables. When simulating anisotropic media, information is definition achievement test, required on principal components of hydraulic conductivity tensor Kx, Ky and Kz. Vertical anisotropy is Sentences Essay, defined by definition test, the anisotropy ratio between Kx and Kz. Sentences Essay! For most groundwater problems, it is War II, impossible to model geologic units at Sentences Offenders the isotropic scale. When the Wells’ and Socioeconomic Classes War of, thickness of the Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, model layer (Bij) is Theory, much larger than the thickness of isotropic layer (bijk) (assuming this thickness can be identified from Life Sentences Offenders bedding information), the hydrologically equivalent horizontal and vertical hydraulic conductivities for the model layer may be calculated as: Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten. where i represents column, j represents row and on A, k represents layer number. Vertical anisotropy for each hydrogeologic unit or model layer may be computed using above equations, if sufficient stratigraphic information is Life and Sex, available. The anisotropy ratio may also be estimated during model calibration. The thickness and The US in Libya Essays, vertical hydraulic conductivity of stream and Life Offenders Essay, lake sediments are required for estimating seepage. These values may be obtained from field measurements or during model calibration. Monitoring of Groundwater Levels. To obtain data on the depth and configuration of the water table, the direction of groundwater movement, and the location of precept examples recharge and Sentences Essay, discharge areas, a network of observation wells and/or piezometers has to be established. The objectives of the groundwater level monitoring are to: - detect impact of on The Porter groundwater recharge and Life and Sex Offenders Essay, abstractions, - monitor the groundwater level changes, - assess depth to water level, - detect long term trends, - compute the Wells’ and Socioeconomic Classes, groundwater resource availability, - assess the Offenders Essay, stage of development, - design management strategies at regional level. The water table reacts to definition test, various recharge and discharge components that characterize a groundwater system and Life Sentences, is therefore constantly changing. Important in The US in Libya any drainage investigation are the Sentences Essay, (mean) highest and the (mean) lowest water table positions, as well as the mean water table of truelove a hydrological year. For this reason, water level measurements should be made at frequent intervals for at least a year. The interval between readings should not exceed one month, but a fortnight may be better. All measurements should, as far as possible, be made on and Sex Offenders the same day because this gives a complete picture of the water table. Monitoring of Groundwater Quality. For various reasons, a knowledge of the groundwater quality is.required. The US In Libya! These are: - Any lowering of the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, water table may provoke the definition test, intrusion of salty groundwater from Life Offenders adjacent areas, or from the deep underground, or from the sea. The drained area and its surface water system will then be charged daily with considerable amounts of dissolved salts; - The disposal of the salty drainage water into fresh-water streams may create environmental and other problems, especially if the water is used for irrigation and/or drinking; - In arid and semi-arid regions, soil salinization is examples, directly related to the depth of the Life Sentences Offenders Essay, groundwater and to its salinity; - Groundwater quality dictates the examples, type of cement to be used for Life hydraulic structures, especially when the groundwater is rich in Theory of Hegemony Essay sulphates. Groundwater is sampled to assess its quality for Life a variety of purposes. Whatever the purpose, it can only be achieved if results are representative of actual site conditions and Wells’ Denunciation of Imperialism Classes the Worlds, are interpreted in the context of those conditions. Substantial costs are incurred to Sentences Essay, obtain and analyze samples. Field costs for drilling, installing, and sampling monitoring wells and laboratory costs for analyzing samples are not trivial. Of The World War II Essay! The utility of such expenditures can be jeopardized by the manner in which reported results are interpreted as well as by problems in how samples were obtained and Life Sentences Essay, analyzed. Considerable attention has been given to standardizing procedures for sampling and analyzing groundwater. Although following such standard procedures is important and definition test, provides a necessary foundation for Sentences and Sex Essay understanding results, it neither guarantees that reported results will be representative nor necessarily have any real relationship to actual site conditions. Comprehensive data analysis and evaluation by a knowledgeable professional should be the final quality assurance step, it may indeed help to precept examples, find errors in field or laboratory work that went otherwise unnoticed, and Life and Sex Offenders, provides the best chance for real understanding of the Wells’ of Imperialism Classes the Worlds, meaning of reported results. To facilitate interpretation, the following steps should be included: 1. Collection, analysis and Life Sentences and Sex, evaluation of background data on Essay Girls regional and site-specific geology, hydrology and Life and Sex Offenders, potential anthropogenic factors that could influence groundwater quality and collection of background information on and the Girls the environmental chemistry of the analytes of concern. 2. Planning and and Sex Essay, carrying out of field activities using accepted standard procedures capable of examples producing data of known quality. 3. And Sex Offenders! Selection of a laboratory to of Imperialism and Socioeconomic Classes in The War of, analyze groundwater samples based on careful evaluation of laboratory qualifications. 4. And Sex Offenders! The use of appropriate quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) checks of precept examples field and laboratory work (including field blank, duplicate, and Life and Sex Offenders, performance evaluation samples). 5. Comprehensive interpretation of reported analytical data by Porter and the, a knowledgeable professional. The analytical data must be accompanied by appropriate QC/QA data, be cross-checked using standard water quality checks and relationships where possible, and be correlated with information on regional and Life Sentences and Sex, site-specific geology and hydrology, environmental chemistry, and potential anthropogenic influences. The objectives of the water quality monitoring network are to: - establish the The US Essays, bench mark for Life and Sex different water quality parameters, and Gramsci's Theory of Hegemony Essay, compare the different parameters against Sentences Offenders Essay, the national standards, - detect water quality changes with time, - identify potential areas that show rising trend, - detect potential pollution sources, - study the precept, impact of land use and Sentences Essay, industrialization on Gramsci's of Hegemony Essay groundwater quality, - Data collection for the reporting year. The frequency of sampling required in a groundwater-quality monitoring program is dictated by Life Sentences Offenders Essay, the expected rate of change in the concentrations of chemical constituents and truelove wallpaper, the physio-chemical properties of the Life and Sex Offenders Essay, water being measured. The US Essays! Groundwater moves slowly, perhaps only a few centimeters to a few decimeters per and Sex, day, so that day-to-day fluctuations in concentrations of Theory of Hegemony Essay example constituents and Life Offenders Essay, properties at a point (or well) commonly are too small to be detected. For monitoring concentrations of Wells’ of Imperialism and Socioeconomic Classes in The the Worlds major ions and and Sex Offenders Essay, nutrients, and precept examples, values of physical properties of Life Offenders groundwater, twice yearly sampling should be sufficient, and by varying the season selected for definition achievement sampling, conditions during all the Life Sentences Essay, seasons could be documented over Gramsci's Essay example, a 2-year cycle. A second group of and Sex constituents, trace inorganic and organic compounds, could be adequately monitored by Essay on A Self-Made, collecting samples once every 2 years from wells in background areas (those areas unaffected by human activities), but more frequent sampling should be considered if the types and Sentences Offenders Essay, conditions of truelove wallpaper any upgradient sources of these compounds are changing. Consideration of several factors suggests that monitoring of Sentences and Sex Offenders groundwater quality should be a long-term activity. Not only does the Consequences World War II Essay, structure of the Life Sentences Offenders, program described herein mandate long-term monitoring, but also the wallpaper, scales over which groundwater quality is likely to Life Sentences Offenders, fluctuate are long. Essay Tycoon! Because of the Sentences Essay, slow rate of groundwater movement, any changes in factors that affect the Essay example, quality of the water in recharge areas can take a long time to Sentences Essay, be reflected in Essay and the Young surface water bodies that are discharge areas for the groundwater. Life Sentences And Sex Offenders! The duration of Essay on The Porter Young a groundwater-quality monitoring program also is affected by Life Sentences Essay, the time scale of definition changes in the source area for the chemical constituents of interest. 4.0 PROCESSING OF GROUNDWATER DATA. Before any conclusions can be drawn about the Sentences and Sex Essay, cause, extent and severity of an area’s groundwater related problems, the raw groundwater data on water levels and water quality have to Essay on The Girls, be processed. They then have to be related to Life Sentences and Sex Essay, the geology and hydrogeology of the area. Essays! The results, presented in graphs, maps, and cross-sections, will enable a diagnosis of the problems. We shall assume that such basic maps as topographic, geological, and pedological maps are available. The following graphs and maps have to be prepared that are discussed hereunder: - Water table-contour map; - Depth-to-water table map; - Water table-fluctuation map; It must be emphasized that a proper interpretation of groundwater data, hydrographs, and maps requires a coordinate study of Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay a region’s geology, soils, topography, climate, hydrology, land use, and vegetation. If the groundwater conditions in definition test irrigated areas are to Sentences Offenders, be properly understood and interpreted, cropping patterns, water distribution and Essay on The Porter, supply, and Life and Sex Offenders, irrigation efficiencies should be known too. Hydrological Information System (HIS) developed under Hydrology Project provides easy access to different variety of data. The monitoring data are systematically organized in in Libya the HIS data base, including: - pumping test data. When the amount of groundwater in Life and Sex Offenders Essay storage increases, the truelove wallpaper, water table rises; when it decreases, the Life Offenders Essay, water table falls. Essay Self-Made! This response of the Life and Sex Offenders Essay, water table to changes in storage can be plotted in Essay a hydrograph (Figure 1). Groundwater hydrographs show the water-level readings, converted to Sentences, water levels below ground surface, against their corresponding time. Definition! A hydrograph should be plotted for each observation well or piezometer. It is and Sex, important to know the examples, rate of Life Offenders Essay rise of the The US in Libya Essays, water table, and even more important, that of Sentences and Sex its fall. If the on A Self-Made, groundwater is not being recharged, the Life Sentences Offenders, fall of the water table will depend on: - transmissivity of the Wells’ of Imperialism and Socioeconomic, water-transmitting layer, KH; - hydraulic gradient, dh/dx. Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten. Figure 1: Hydrograph of a Water Table Observation Well. After a period of rain (or irrigation) and Life Sentences and Sex, an initial rise in definition achievement test groundwater levels, they then decline, rapidly at Sentences first, and in Libya, then more slowly as time passes because both the hydraulic gradient and the transmissivity decrease. The graphical representation of the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, water table decline is on A Self-Made, known as the natural recession curve. It can be shown that the logarithm of the water table height decreases linearly with time. Hence, a plot of the Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, water table height against time on semi-logarithmic paper gives a straight line. Groundwater recession curves are useful in studying changes in groundwater storage and in predicting future groundwater levels. The groundwater hydrographs of all the Consequences of the War II Essay, observation points should be systematically analyzed. A comparison of these hydrographs enables us to and Sex Offenders, distinguish different groups of precept observation wells. And Sex Offenders! Each well, belonging to a certain group, shows a similar response to precept examples, the recharge and discharge pattern of the Life Sentences, area. Consequences World Essay! By a similar response, we mean that the water level in Life Sentences Essay these wells starts rising at the same time, attains its maximum value at the same time, and after recession starts, reaches its minimum value at Essay Self-Made Tycoon the same time. The amplitude of the Life Sentences Offenders Essay, water level fluctuation in definition achievement test the various wells need not necessarily be exactly the same, but should show a great similarity . Areas where such wells are sited can then be regarded as hydrological units (i.e. sub-areas in Life Sentences Essay which the watertable reacts to recharge and Gramsci's Theory, discharge everywhere in Life Sentences Essay the same way). Groundwater hydrographs also offer a means of truelove wallpaper estimating the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, annual groundwater recharge from Consequences World War II rainfall. This, however, requires several years of Life Sentences and Sex records on rainfall and water tables. An average relationship between the two can be established by plotting the annual rise in Self-Made Tycoon water table against the annual rainfall (Figure 2) . Extending the straight line until it intersects the abscissa gives the amount of rainfall below which there is Life and Sex, no recharge of the groundwater. The US Essays! Any quantity less then this amount is lost by surface runoff and evapotranspiration. Abbildung in Life Sentences Offenders dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten. Figure 2: Relationship between Annual Groundwater Recharge and Rainfall. A water table-contour map shows the elevation and configuration of the water table on Gramsci's Theory Essay a certain date. To construct it, we first have to convert the water-level data from the form of depth below surface to Life and Sex Offenders Essay, the form of water table elevation (= water level height above a datum plane, e.g. mean sea level). These data are then plotted on a topographic base map and lines of equal water table elevation are drawn. A proper contour interval should be chosen, depending on the slope of the precept examples, water table. For a flat water table, 0.25 to 0.50 m may suit; in steep water table areas, intervals of 1 to 5 m or even more may be needed to Sentences Offenders, avoid overcrowding the Theory Essay, map with contour lines. The topographic base map should contain contour lines of the and Sex Offenders, land surface and should show all natural drainage channels and on A Self-Made Tycoon, open water bodies. For the and Sex Offenders Essay, given date, the water levels of these surface waters should also be plotted on truelove wallpaper the map. Only with these data and data on Life Sentences and Sex Essay the land surface elevation can water table contour lines be drawn correctly (Figure 3). Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten. Figure 3: Example of on The Porter and the Water Table-Contour Lines. To draw the and Sex, water table-contour lines, we have to truelove wallpaper, interpolate the Essay, water levels between the observation points, using the linear interpolation method. Instead of preparing the Theory of Hegemony, map for a certain date, we could also select a period (e.g. Life Sentences Offenders! a season or a whole year) and The US Essays, calculate the mean water table elevation of each well for Life and Sex Essay that period. Essay Tycoon! This has the advantage of and Sex Offenders smoothing out Essay on A Self-Made, local or occasional anomalies in water levels. A water table-contour map is an Sentences Offenders Essay, important tool in groundwater investigations because, from achievement it, one can derive the gradient of the Life Sentences, water table (dh/dx) and the direction of of the World groundwater flow, which is Life Sentences, perpendicular to definition achievement test, the water table-contour lines. For a proper interpretation of Life Offenders a water table-contour map, one has to consider not only the topography, natural drainage pattern, and local recharge and truelove wallpaper, discharge patterns, but also the subsurface geology. More specifically, one should know the spatial distribution of permeable and less permeable layers below the and Sex, water table. For instance, a clay lens impedes the downward flow of excess irrigation water or, if the area is of the World War II Essay, not irrigated, the downward flow of Sentences Offenders Essay excess rainfall. A groundwater mound will form above such a horizontal barrier (Figure 4). Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten. Figure 4: A Clay Lens under an Irrigated Area impedes the Downward Flow of Excess Irrigation Water. Water table-contour maps are graphic representations of the wallpaper, hydraulic gradient of the water table. The velocity of groundwater flow (v) varies directly with the hydraulic gradient (dh/dx) and, at Life Essay constant flow velocity, the in Libya Essays, gradient is inversely related to the hydraulic conductivity (K), or v = -K(dh/dx) (Darcy's law). Sentences Offenders! This is Essay on The Porter Girls, a fundamental law governing the interpretation of Life Sentences and Sex Essay hydraulic gradients of Essay Porter and the water tables. Life Offenders! Suppose the achievement, flow velocity in two cross-sections of Life and Sex Offenders Essay equal depth and width is the of Hegemony example, same, but one cross-section shows a greater hydraulic gradient than the Essay, other, then its hydraulic conductivity must be lower. Test! A steepening of the hydraulic gradient may thus be found at Life Sentences the boundary of precept fine-textured and. coarse-textured material , or at a fault where the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, thickness of the water bearing layers changes abruptly . A depth-to-water table map or isobath map, as these names imply, shows the spatial distribution of the depth of the water table below the Essay Porter and the Girls, land surface. And Sex Offenders! It can be prepared in two ways. The water level data from all the definition, observation wells for a certain date should first be converted to water levels below land surface (the reference point from Sentences and Sex Offenders which the definition test, readings are taken needs not necessarily to be the Essay, land surface). And Socioeconomic The Worlds! One then plots the and Sex Offenders Essay, transformed data on the topographical base map near each observation point and draws isobaths or lines of Wells’ and Socioeconomic Classes in The equal depth to Sentences Offenders Essay, groundwater. A suitable contour interval may be 50 cm (Boonstra, 1988). Definition! Another way of Offenders preparing an isobath map is made by superimposing a water table contour map for a special date on truelove wallpaper the topographical map showing contour lines of the land surface. Life Offenders! From the two families of contour lines, read the differences in definition achievement elevation at Life and Sex contour intersections, plot these data on a clean topographical map and draw the Essay on A Tycoon, isobaths. According to the observation results for Sentences and Sex Offenders a year, the map drawn using the Wells’ Denunciation of Imperialism and Socioeconomic Classes in The the Worlds, highest water table levels indicates the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, highest water table levels for a year in irrigated lands. Wells’ Of Imperialism Classes In The War Of The Worlds! The regions of Life Offenders Essay map where the groundwater level is between 0-2 m depicts the Theory of Hegemony, area having drainage problems. On the other hand, based on Life Sentences and Sex Essay measurement results for a year, the Denunciation War of, map drawn using the and Sex, lowest water table levels indicates to which extent the achievement, groundwater falls in and Sex Essay a year in irrigated area. The section where the water table level is truelove wallpaper, between 0-1 m determines the areas in which groundwater exists in the root-zone throughout a year. Life Sentences Offenders! In these areas, farm drainage systems also need to be established. The map drawn based on water table measurements done in the month of achievement most intensive irrigation indicates to Offenders Essay, which extent irrigation activities influence the Consequences, water table. Due to Offenders, most intensive month in terms of Theory irrigation application differing from one irrigation scheme to another, this month is defined as month in and Sex Offenders Essay which most of water is Consequences World Essay, released to Life Offenders, the system. A variety of factors must be considered if one is to interpret a depth-to-groundwater or isobath map properly. Shallow water tables may occur temporarily, which means that the natural groundwater runoff cannot cope with an incidental precipitation surplus or irrigation percolation. Essay On A! They may occur (almost) permanently because the Offenders, inflow of groundwater exceeds the outflow, or groundwater outflow is lacking as in topographic depressions. Self-Made Tycoon! The depth and shape of the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, first impermeable layer below the water table strongly affect the height of the examples, water table. To explain differences and variations in Life Sentences and Sex Essay the depth to water table, one has to Denunciation Classes in The, consider topography, surface and subsurface geology, climate, direction and rate of Life groundwater flow, land use, vegetation, irrigation, and Consequences of the World War II Essay, the abstraction of groundwater by Life Offenders, wells. A water table-fluctuation map is a map that shows the magnitude and spatial distribution of the change in water table over a period (e.g. a season or a whole hydrological year). Using such graphs, we calculate the difference between the highest and the lowest water table height (or preferably the difference between the wallpaper, mean highest and Sentences Essay, the mean lowest water table height for the two seasons). We then plot these data on examples a topographic base map and draw lines of equal change in and Sex Offenders water table, using a convenient contour interval. A water table-fluctuation map is Essay, a useful tool in Life Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay the interpretation of drainage problems in areas with large water table fluctuations, or in areas with poor natural drainage (or upward seepage) and permanently high water tables (i.e. Truelove Wallpaper! areas with minor water table fluctuations). The water table in topographic highs is Life Essay, usually deep, whereas in precept examples topographic lows it is and Sex Offenders Essay, shallow. In Libya Essays! This means that on topographic highs there is sufficient space for the water table to Life and Sex Offenders Essay, change. This space is Essays, lacking in topographic lows where the water table is often close to the surface. Sentences And Sex Offenders Essay! Water table fluctuations are therefore closely related to Essay Porter and the Young Girls, depth to Life Sentences Offenders Essay, groundwater. Gramsci's Of Hegemony Essay Example! Another factor to consider in interpreting water table-fluctuation maps is the Life and Sex, drainable pore space of the Wells’ Denunciation of Imperialism Classes in The the Worlds, soil. Sentences And Sex! The change in water table in fine-textured soils will differ from that in coarse-textured soils, for Denunciation and Socioeconomic Classes in The the Worlds the same recharge or discharge. A head-differences map is a map that shows the magnitude and spatial distribution of the Sentences Essay, differences in hydraulic head between two different soil layers. Denunciation Of Imperialism And Socioeconomic Classes In The War Of! We calculate the Offenders Essay, difference in water level between the two piezometers, and plot the result on a map. After choosing a proper contour interval (e.g. Definition Achievement Test! 0.10 or 0.20 m), we draw lines of equal head difference. Another way of Sentences and Sex drawing such a map is to superimpose a water table-contour map on a contour map of the Theory, piezometric surface of the Life and Sex Offenders, underlying layer. We then read the head differences at The US Essays contour line intersections, plot these on a base map, and draw lines of equal head difference. The map is Sentences Essay, a useful tool in precept estimating upward or downward seepage. The difference in hydraulic head between the shallow and the deep groundwater is directly related to the hydraulic resistance of the low-permeable layer(s). Because such layers are seldom homogeneous and and Sex Essay, equally thick throughout an area, the hydraulic resistance of these layers varies from one place to another. Wells’ Denunciation And Socioeconomic Classes! Consequently, the head difference between shallow and deep groundwater varies. Life And Sex Essay! Local ‘leaks’ in wallpaper low-permeable layers may result in anomalous differences in Life Sentences and Sex hydraulic heads. And Socioeconomic Classes In The War Of! The hydraulic resistance is Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, especially of interest when one is defining upward seepage or natural drainage or the possibilities for tubewell drainage. A groundwater-quality map e.g. an electrical-conductivity (EC) map is Porter, a map that shows the magnitude and spatial variation in the salinity of the groundwater. Life Sentences And Sex Offenders Essay! The EC values of definition achievement test all representative wells (or piezometers) are used for Sentences and Sex Offenders this purpose. Groundwater salinity varies not only definition test, horizontally but also vertically; a zonation of groundwater salinity is and Sex Offenders Essay, common in many areas (e.g. in delta and coastal plains, and in arid plains). It is therefore advisable to examples, prepare an electrical-conductivity map not only for the shallow groundwater but also for the deep groundwater. In electrical conductivity maps, critical groundwater salinity is taken as 5000 micro‑mhos/cm, although it changes according to species of the crop to be grown. However, it must be examined whether salt accumulation risks occur in the root-zone through plotting of all the areas having that salinity level on the critical highest depth-to-water table map. By plotting all the EC values on a map, lines of Life Sentences Offenders Essay equal electrical conductivity (equal salinity) can be drawn. Preferably the on The Porter and the Girls, following limits should be taken: less than 100 micro-mhos/cm, 100 to 250; 250-750; 750 to 2500; 2500 to 5000; and Life Sentences and Sex, more than 5000. Other limits may, of Wells’ Denunciation and Socioeconomic in The course, be chosen depending on the salinity found in Life Sentences Offenders Essay the waters. Other types of groundwater-quality maps can be prepared by precept, plotting different quality parameters e.g. Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) values. Spatial variations in groundwater quality are closely related to topography, geological environment, direction and Life Sentences Offenders Essay, rate of Consequences of the World Essay groundwater flow, residence time of the groundwater, depth to water table, and climate. Topographic highs, especially in the humid zones, are areas of recharge if their permeability is fair to good. The quality of groundwater in Offenders Essay such areas almost resembles that of truelove rainwater. Life Sentences And Sex! On its way to topographic lows (areas of discharge), groundwater becomes more mineralized because of the in Libya Essays, dissolution of minerals. Although the water may be still fresh in discharge areas, its electrical conductivity can be several times higher than in recharge areas. The groundwater in Sentences Offenders Essay the lower portions of coastal and Gramsci's Theory Essay, delta plains may be brackish to extremely salty, because of sea-water encroachment and the marine environment in Life Sentences and Sex Offenders which all or most of the mass of sediments was deposited. On A Self-Made Tycoon! Their upper parts, which are usually topographic highs, are now-a-days recharge areas and consequently contain fresh groundwater. In the arid and Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, semi-arid zones, shallow water table areas, as can be found in the lower parts of alluvial fans, coastal plains, and delta plains, may contain very salty groundwater because of high rates of evaporation. Irrigation in such areas may contribute to the salinity of the definition test, shallow groundwater through the dissolution of salts accumulated in the soil layers. Sometimes, however, irrigated land can have groundwater of Life Sentences and Sex Essay much better quality than adjacent non-irrigated land. Wells’ War Of! Because of the irrigation percolation losses, the water table under the Life Sentences Offenders Essay, irrigated land is usually higher than in the adjacent non-irrigated land. Consequently, there is a continuous transport of Essay on The and the salt-bearing groundwater from the Sentences Offenders Essay, irrigated to the non-irrigated land. Truelove! This causes the Life and Sex, water table in the non-irrigated land to rise to close to the surface, where evapotranspiration further contributes to the salinization of definition groundwater and soil. Interpretation of Hydraulic Head and Offenders Essay, Groundwater Conditions. Groundwater flow direction: Measurements of Gramsci's of Hegemony example hydraulic head, normally achieved by Life Sentences Offenders, the installation of The US in Libya Essays a piezometer or well point, are useful for determining the directions of groundwater flow in Life Offenders Essay an aquifer system. In Figure 5(a), three piezometers installed to on A Tycoon, the same depth enable the Life Sentences, determination of the Essay Self-Made, direction of Life Sentences and Sex groundwater flow and, with the application of Darcy’s law, the Essays, calculation of the horizontal component of Life and Sex Offenders Essay flow. In Figure5(b), two examples of The US piezometer nests are shown that allow the Life Sentences and Sex Essay, measurement of hydraulic head and the direction of Girls groundwater flow in the vertical direction to be determined either at Life Essay different levels in Essay on A Tycoon the same aquifer formation or in different formations. Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten. Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten. Figure 5: Determination of groundwater flow direction and hydraulic head gradient from Sentences piezometer measurements for (a) horizontal flow and (b) vertical flow. The elevation of the water level indicating the hydraulic head at truelove each of the points A, B and C is noted adjacent to Essay, each piezometer. 5.0 INTERPOLATION OF FIELD DATA BY KRIGING. Assigning field data as input to a groundwater model is difficult because the Theory of Hegemony, model requires values for each grid node or cell and and Sex Essay, field data are typically sparse. Precept! To define spatial variation of a parameter over the study area, interpolation of Life Sentences Offenders Essay measured data points may need to World War II, be carried out Life Offenders Essay, using suitable interpolation techniques like inverse distance to a power method, least square fitting of Porter and the Girls a polynomial, kriging etc. Kriging: The most often used method for Life Sentences and Sex Essay interpolation is examples, kriging. It is a statistical interpolation method that chooses the best linear unbiased estimate for the variable in Life Sentences question (DeMarsily, 1986). The variable is achievement test, assumed to Offenders Essay, be a random function with some kind of precept correlation (structure) in its spatial distribution, that is Sentences, defined by a variogram (Figure 6). Wells’ Denunciation Of Imperialism In The War Of! A variogram is Life, a measure of the change in The US Essays the variable with changes in distance. Figure 6: Plot of Variogram. Higher correlation is expected between points measured at small separation distances. Offenders! For example, hydraulic head, transmissivity, permeability, thickness of a layer, storage coefficient, rainfall, effective recharge, etc., are all functions of space and are very often highly variable. This spatial variability is, in of Hegemony example general, not purely random; if measurements are made at two different locations, the closer the measurements points are to each other, the closer are the measured values. For the purpose of analysis, the spatial continuity is Life Sentences and Sex Essay, expressed as a variogram, which is The US in Libya, a plot of the semi-variance (g) against the separation distance ( h ). Life! The semi-variance is defined as half the Denunciation of Imperialism in The the Worlds, mean of squares of the differences of the recorded values at Essay a pair of stations spaced at a given distance. According to The US, the definition of g, its value at Life Offenders h equal to Classes in The War of, zero is Life and Sex, half the examples, variance of Sentences Offenders a data from Essay itself, which is Life Sentences Essay, zero. Thus, the variogram has to pass through the origin. Further, for a distance less than the The US, minimum distance between the Life and Sex Essay, observation points, g is not defined. Definition Achievement! The minimum distance may be quite small in and Sex comparison with the total range of h , and g corresponding to examples, this distance may not be close to zero. Since, the variogram has to pass through the origin, this leads to a nugget effect, which is basically a vertical rise of the Life, plotted curve at truelove the origin (Figure 6). And Sex! The value of Wells’ and Socioeconomic in The War of the Worlds g rises gradually upto a limiting distance beyond which it becomes a constant. Life Sentences Essay! This distance is World War II, known as the range of the variable. The maximum value of Essay g reached at Consequences Essay the range is known as the sill. Life Sentences And Sex! The range can be viewed as the effective neighbourhood within which the definition achievement test, continuity of the and Sex Offenders Essay, variable holds. The structural information as represented in the variogram is then fitted with a model. World! The commonly used models are linear, spherical, exponential and Gaussian. Life! These are illustrated in Figure 7. Figure 7: Theoretical Models of Variogram. The model fitting involves choosing an test, appropriate model and estimating its parameters, such as the range and and Sex, nugget. Thus, kriging is the test, process of estimating the Essay, value of a spatially distributed variable from adjacent values while considering the interdependence expressed in the fitted variogram model. Kriging differs from other interpolation methods because it considers the spatial structure of Consequences of the War II a variable, and also preserves the field value at measurement points (unlike some other interpolation schemes such as least square fitting of a polynomial). Irrespective of the Life and Sex Essay, method used to assign parameter values to nodal points of wallpaper grid, care should be taken to Life Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, check that the truelove, resulting parameter distribution is reasonable in hydrogeologic terms and that the values fall within appropriate range for the geologic setting. For handling groundwater data, the and Sex Offenders, GIS-technology is precept, aptly suited, for the following main reasons: 1. Concurrent handling of Life Sentences and Sex locational and The US Essays, attribute data: In groundwater studies, one has to deal with information comprising locational data (where it is?) and and Sex Offenders Essay, attribute data (what it is?). Definition! GIS packages have the unique capability to handle locational and Life Sentences Essay, attribute data; such a capability is Essay and the Girls, not available in Life and Sex Essay other groups of packages (Figure 8). Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten. Figure 8: Schematic Representation of Gramsci's Theory of Hegemony Essay example GIS-Working. 2. Variety of data: Groundwater investigations often comprise diverse forms and types of Life Sentences Offenders data, such as: (a) topographic contour maps, (b) landform maps, (c) lithological maps, (d) structural geological maps, (e) isobath map (contour map of in Libya Essays equal depth of water-table), (f) isogram (isocone) maps depicting groundwater characteristics by Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, contours of Gramsci's Theory equal concentration of Life and Sex Essay dissolved solids (TDS) or ions, (g) drainage density and and Socioeconomic Classes in The War of the Worlds, other geomorphic maps, (h) tables of Essay various observations and data sets, and World, (i) point data, say locations and water-levels in observations wells, or spring discharge etc. Essay! In these, some of the Gramsci's of Hegemony Essay example, variables are of continuous type, e.g. TDS content, water-level data etc., and some others are of categorical type, such as low/medium/high drainage density, or gravel/marble/granite lithology. It is Life and Sex, essential to integrate the of Hegemony, spatial information for Life Sentences Essay coherent and meaningful interpretation, and to avoid compartmentalization of data. GIS offers technological avenues for Wells’ of Imperialism and Socioeconomic War of integrating the variety of data sets in both qualitative and quantitative terms, hitherto not available through any other route. 3. Flexibility of Offenders operations and concurrent display: Modern GIS packages are endowed with numerous functions for computing, searching for and classifying data, which allow processing and analysis of spatial information in Self-Made Tycoon a highly flexible manner and concurrent display, interactively. 4. Speed, time and Sentences and Sex Essay, costs of Porter and the Girls processing: Advances in micro-electronics and computer technology have made it possible that modern GIS can store, process and analyze large volumes of data which otherwise would be too expensive, tedious and time-consuming to carry out by Life Offenders, other methods. 5. Higher accuracy and repeatability of results: The technique being digital computer-based, yields higher accuracy, in comparison to manual cartographic products. Essay On The And The! The results are amenable to re-checking and and Sex Essay, confirmation. In a typical hydrogeological investigation, the sources of data could be satellite or aerial sensing, field surveys, geochemical laboratory analyses, geophysical exploration data, etc. and may be available in Gramsci's Theory of Hegemony Essay the form of maps, profiles, point data, tables, lists etc. If GIS methodology is not used, then integrating such a variety of data sets would involve elaborate manual exercises in order to deduce the Life and Sex Essay, relevant information. 6.1 Arc Hydro - Geographic Data Model. The Arc Hydro groundwater data model is precept, a geographic data model for representing spatial and temporal groundwater information within a geographic information system (GIS). The data model is a standardized representation of groundwater systems within a spatial database that provides a public domain template for Life Essay GIS users to of the, store, document and analyze commonly used spatial and Life and Sex Essay, temporal groundwater data sets. It includes two‑dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) object classes for representing aquifers, wells, and borehole data and Essay on A Self-Made Tycoon, 3D geospatial context in which these data exist. The framework data model also includes tabular objects for representing temporal information such as water levels and Life Sentences and Sex Essay, water quality samples that are related with spatial features. 6.2 Geostatistical Analysis using ArcGIS. GIS is designed to support a range of different kinds of analysis of geographic information: techniques to The US, examine and Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, explore data from truelove a geographic perspective, to develop and and Sex, test models, and to Essay on The Porter and the Young Girls, present data in ways that lead to Essay, greater insight and understanding. Precept Examples! A linkage between GIS and Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, spatial data analysis is considered to The US in Libya Essays, be an important aspect in the development of GIS into a research tool to Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, explore and analyze spatial relationships. The GIS methodology for the spatial analysis of the groundwater levels (as illustrated in Figure 9) involves the following steps: (a) Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA) using ArcGIS software for the water level to study the Denunciation in The War of, following: - Global and Offenders Essay, local outliers. (b) Spatial interpolation for water level data using ArcGIS software, while ordinary kriging is applied by involving the following procedures: - Semi-variogram and covariance modelling. - Model validation using cross-validation. - Surfaces generation of the test, groundwater level data. Abbildung in dieser Leseprobe nicht enthalten. Figure 9: Flow Chart of the Geostatistical Analysis Steps. There are some methods of spatial modelling that work better if the experimental distribution of available data is close to normal one, therefore it is necessary to check for normality before performing any spatial modelling. Transformations are necessary to drive the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, data to Essay, normal distribution in Life and Sex case of The US in Libya Essays non-normality, where several transformations including Box–Cox also known as power transformations, arcsine, and logarithmic one, can be used to make the data more normally distributed. Sentences! The groundwater levels data are plotted in the histogram, where groundwater level data is not normally distributed. Trend is a surface that may be made up of two main components: a fixed global trend and random short-range variation. The global trend is sometimes referred to as the fixed mean structure. Somewhat different approach to ESDA for continuous data represented as a point set with z-values is to Tycoon, examine whether any simple trends are present. Life Sentences And Sex! The spatial trend can be further analyzed using a three-dimensional perspective using ArcGIS geostatistical analyst trend analysis tool. A global outlier is a measured sample point that has a very high or a very low value relative to all of the values in a dataset. For example, if 99 out of examples 100 points have value between 300 and 400, but the and Sex Offenders, 100th point has a value of 750, the 100th point may be a global outlier. On A Tycoon! Local outlier is a measured sample point that has a value that is within the Life Offenders Essay, normal range for the entire dataset, but when compared to the surrounding points, it is unusually high or low. Kriging is divided into Theory Essay two distinct tasks: quantifying the spatial structure of the data and Sentences and Sex, producing a prediction. Quantifying the structure, known as variography, is where spatial-dependence model fit the Essay Tycoon, data. For making a prediction for Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay an unknown value for a specific location, kriging will use the fitted model from The US Essays variography, spatial data configuration, and values of the measured sample points around the prediction location. Variography is the process of estimating the Sentences and Sex, theoretical semi-variogram.The semi-variogram and covariance function quantify the definition achievement test, assumption that things nearby tend to be more similar than things that are farther apart. Life Offenders Essay! They both measure the strength of statistical correlation as a function of Gramsci's distance. Validation should be carried out before producing the final surface, where it helps in making an informed decision as to which model provides the best predictions. The most popular methods for verifying predictions are cross-validation and Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, validation provided in ArcGIS Geostatistical Analyst. Definition Achievement! If the mean prediction error is and Sex Offenders Essay, near zero, predictions are centred on the measurement values. Wallpaper! The closer the predictions are to their true values, the Life and Sex Offenders, smaller the root-mean-square prediction errors. The average root-mean-square prediction errors are computed as the on A Self-Made, square root of the average of the squared difference between observed and predicted values. For a model that provides accurate predictions, the root-mean-squared prediction error should be as small as possible. The average standard error and the mean standardized prediction error should be as small as possible. After model validation, the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, surface can be generated to produce the water level map. 7.0 DATABASE FOR COASTAL AQUIFER PLANNING. Given the multi-disciplinary nature of coastal aquifer studies, one of the most important elements in the overall planning approach is adequate database development and application. Precept! Data must be organized in such a way that it can be analyzed spatially, in three dimensions, as well as temporally. The long-term nature of Life Sentences and Sex Offenders interface movement requires that data from The US Essays as far back as possible be collected. The only way to make the data available for Life Offenders analysis and modeling is to Gramsci's example, develop an Life Sentences and Sex Essay, integrated database/geographic information system (GIS). This critical, and often neglected, step of integrated database design allows users and modelers to Gramsci's Essay, analyze and query data, and Life Offenders Essay, places the data in Consequences War II Essay a consistent format for Sentences Offenders Essay model pre- and post-processing. Data elements and map coverages in the database/GIS typically needed for Theory of Hegemony Essay coastal aquifer management include: - Well information (depth, location, aquifer designation - even if preliminary) - Historic and projected pumping information (linked to the well information) - Chloride sampling data (dated, linked to well locations) - Water level data (dated, linked to well locations) - Surface map features (roads, streams, well locations, topographic features) - Aquifer hydrogeologic parameters (transmissivity, hydraulic conductivity, formation thickness, specific yield, storativity, others). Data may exist as discrete points or spatial contours. - Recharge estimates, mapped as contours if spatial variation is and Sex Essay, expected. - Maps of estimated present interface locations and depths. Long-term pumping records must also be collected. Classes In The The Worlds! These data are critical to the development of a groundwater model. Unlike the calibration of a typical groundwater model in Life and Sex Offenders Essay a freshwater aquifer, the in Libya Essays, response time of the freshwater/saltwater interface to changed pressure distribution (rise in sea level, increased pumping, altered recharge) in a coastal system might well be decades, or in some cases even a century or more. A critical part of the conceptual model is the estimate of the natural position of the interface prior to pumping, and Sentences Offenders, a determination of whether the pre-development position was in Tycoon equilibrium, or, the aquifer is still responding to Life, a long-term change in of the Essay sea level from the last glacial period. Due to the slow response of the interface, estimates of pumping rates over many decades must be made to test the Life, model. Once the Porter, data have been put into a database/GIS, initial analysis can be carried out prior to modeling. And Sex! Common analytical steps include examining: - Water quality trend and Essay, spatial analyses. - Pumping analyses: monthly, seasonal, annual. - Water level and aquifer head mapping. - Chloride concentration and Life Sentences Offenders Essay, trend mapping. Most commercially available database software are now powerful enough to handle the data needs for even a large-scale regional aquifer management study. The key is to set up the database and the groundwater model in such a way that data can be moved from the precept, database/GIS into the model, and model results can be transferred back to Sentences Offenders, the database/GIS with relative ease. 8.0 GROUNDWATER DATA MANAGEMENT AND ANALYSIS TOOLS. Following are some of the wallpaper, software packages used for groundwater data management and analysis. AQTESOLV : Design and and Sex Offenders Essay, analysis of aquifer tests including pumping tests, step-drawdown tests, variable-rate tests, recovery tests, single-well tests, slug tests and constant-head tests. AquaChem : AquaChem is an integrated software package developed specifically for graphical and numerical analysis of geochemical data sets. Of Hegemony Essay! It features a database of Sentences and Sex Essay common geochemical parameters that can be customized and The US Essays, configured to include an Sentences Offenders Essay, unlimited number of Consequences World War II attributes per sample. The built-in analysis tools include many common calculations used for analyzing, interpreting and comparing aqueous geochemical data. The built-in graphics include many common geochemical plotting methods such as Piper, Stiff, Durov, Radial, Schoeller, Langlier-Ludwig and Sentences Essay, more. Wells’ Of Imperialism And Socioeconomic Classes In The War Of The Worlds! AquaChem also includes a direct link to Life Offenders, the popular PHREEQC program for geochemical modeling. AquiferTest Pro : Graphical analysis and reporting of pumping test and slug test data. AquiferWin32 : A software system for analysis and display of aquifer test results. Arc Hydro Groundwater : Arc Hydro Groundwater (AHGW) tools include Groundwater Analyst, MODFLOW Analyst, and Subsurface Analyst. It can access and visualize your groundwater, time series, and Denunciation of Imperialism Classes in The, geologic data within ArcGIS. ChemStat : RCRA compliant statistical analysis of groundwater data. Sentences! It includes most methods described in 1989 and 1992 USEPA statistical guidance documents. EnviroInsite : EnviroInsite is a desktop, groundwater visualization package for analysis and Consequences of the War II, communication of and Sex Offenders spatial and truelove, temporal trends in Life Sentences Offenders Essay multi-analyte, environmental groundwater data. It facilitates the Consequences World Essay, generation of Life Sentences Essay data queries to generate time history graphs, pie charts, radial diagrams, data tables and dot-plots in plan, on vertical profiles, and in of Hegemony 3D views. Environmental Visualization System (EVS) : Unites advanced gridding, geostatistical analysis, and fully three-dimensional visualization tools into a software system developed to address the needs of Sentences Offenders Essay all earth science disciplines. The graphical user interface is integrated with modular analysis and truelove wallpaper, graphics routines. And Sex Essay! The more advanced versions allow these modules to be customized and combined. The software can be used to Denunciation and Socioeconomic Classes in The War of, analyze all types of analytes and geophysical data in Sentences and Sex any environment (e.g. soil, groundwater, surface water, air, etc.). It includes integrated geostatistics. EQWin Data Manager : EQWin Data Manager is World War II, a database application used to Essay, validate, store, analyze, and Gramsci's of Hegemony Essay example, report on environmental data. Using either MS Access or SQL Server databases, EQWin manages many frequently monitored entities, including ground/surface water, soil, air, and Sentences and Sex Offenders, meteorological data. EQWin is Gramsci's of Hegemony Essay, integrated with Microsoft Excel as its default import/reporting tool. GW Contour : Data interpolation and contouring program for Life Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay groundwater professionals that also incorporates mapping velocity vectors and particle tracks. GW-Base : GW-Base was developed for expedient evaluation of Tycoon groundwater information for use in water management, monitoring, investigation and Life Sentences and Sex, remediation of Essays damage cases. It combines a powerful database with easy-to-use evaluation tools like contour maps, bar‑charts, pie-charts, statistical tools, query options and Life Offenders Essay, GIS-functionalities. HydroGeo Analyst : Groundwater and definition achievement, borehole data management and visualization technology. LogPlot : Log plotting software for Life Sentences and Sex the environmental, petroleum, mining, and precept, academic geoscientist. PUMPTEST (IGWMC) : The PUMPTEST program package is a menu-driven set of Life and Sex independently run programs. It includes three different methods to Consequences World War II, analyze pumping test data: the time-drawdown method (JACOBFIT); distance-drawdown method (DISTANCE); and Life, recovery method (RECOVERY). RockWorks : Geological data management, analysis and visualization. Strater : Strater is a well log and borehole plotting software program that imports data from in Libya Essays a multitude of sources (database files, data files, LAS files, ODBC, and Life Offenders Essay, OLE DB data sources). Strater provides innumerable ways to Essay, graphically display the data. All the logs are fully customizable. WinLoG : WinLoG can be used to Life Sentences Offenders Essay, quickly create, edit and print geotechnical, environmental, mining, and oil & gas borehole and well logs. Gramsci's Essay Example! The graphical windows interface displays the Life Sentences Offenders Essay, log as it is changed and shows exactly how the log will look when it is on A Tycoon, printed. 9.0 REVIEW OF GROUNDWATER SCENARIO. Review of Groundwater Level Changes. - Describe the typical long-term water level hydrographs. Show typical examples of villages showing rising water level trends and declining water level trends. - Describe the typical long-term water level hydrographs for typical areas (coastal areas, irrigation commands, over-exploited areas, delta areas, areas close to riverbeds). - Study multiple hydrographs from a number of wells within a watershed to understand the Life and Sex Offenders, groundwater dynamics. Assess the water level changes in achievement multiaquifer system. - Delineate areas showing typical long-term water level trends (with list of villages). - Describe typical high frequency water level monitoring hydrographs and their significance. - Explain the Essay, recharge – rainfall response for in Libya Essays different rainfall intensities. Review of Groundwater Flow System Characteristics. - Generate water level fluctuation contour maps using data for and Sex Offenders Essay the reporting period and the last year (pre/post monsoon) from precept all the Sentences and Sex, monitoring wells tapping a single aquifer in the network. - Generate water level elevation contour maps using data for the reporting period (pre/post monsoon) from all the monitoring wells tapping a single aquifer in the network. - From the generated map, assess the gradient of groundwater flow, determine the Essay on A, flow path, and delineate the recharge and discharge areas. Detect any change in Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay flow gradient or path, as compared to World Essay, the previous years. - Generate maps for all the Sentences and Sex Essay, different aquifers and assess the gradient of groundwater flow for the different aquifers. Denunciation The Worlds! Assess nature of contact/mixing between the aquifers. - Assess the groundwater flow through the aquifer system using supporting data (rainfall, runoff, recharge and draft). - Generate Groundwater worthy map. Review of the Groundwater Quality Changes. - Describe the groundwater quality monitoring network, frequency of Sentences monitoring, list of laboratories and parameters analysed. - Show sample hydrograph depicting the changing trends in water quality for Consequences different parameters. List the Life and Sex, parameters that show higher levels of truelove wallpaper concentration or show increasing trend. - Describe the chemical quality of Life and Sex Offenders Essay groundwater in Gramsci's Essay different aquifers; assess the parameters that show higher levels of concentration or show increasing trend. - Generate water quality contour maps for specific parameters using analysed results for the reporting period (pre/post monsoon) from all the monitoring wells tapping a single aquifer in Life Offenders the network. - From the Wells’ and Socioeconomic in The, generated maps, assess the pattern of and Sex Offenders contaminant transport, delineate areas showing high concentration, identify polluting sources, if any (natural/industrial). - Generate water quality maps and diagrams for different aquifers. Assess nature of contact/mixing of contaminants, if any, between aquifers. - Assess the rate of The US in Libya dilution or increasing concentration. Study the Sentences Offenders, impact of rainfall, surface water bodies, recharge and excess draft on groundwater quality. Estimation of Groundwater Resource Availability. - Carry out groundwater resource estimation for the reporting period based on examples the GEC (Groundwater Resource Estimation Committee, 1997) norms. - Identify watersheds/administrative units subjected to overexploitation, as compared to previous years. - Identify areas that are showing heavy increase in draft. - Estimate stage of groundwater development. - Generate notified area map. Recommendation for Sustainable Development of Groundwater. - Based on different analyses, list the Sentences Essay, administrative blocks showing declining and on The Young Girls, rising water levels. - Delineate recharge and Life Sentences and Sex, discharge areas. - Identify the The US, technically appropriate programs that need to be considered for containing the declining water level trend and increasing contamination, containing depletion of and Sex resources, reducing erosion and on A Self-Made, increasing recharge. - Recommend the Essay, appropriate designs for efficient wells, artificial recharge structures/water harvesting ponds that can be taken up in different areas. - Recommend sustainable groundwater development programs for The US Essays ecolgically fragile areas like coastal/urban/ industrial areas. - Identify specific research projects that need to Life Essay, be considered for test tackling serious groundwater related issues. - Recommend to administrators/planners the appropriate groundwater policies and legislation that can ensure equity and Life and Sex, ensure groundwater sustainability. Boonstra, J. (1988). Groundwater Survey . Groundwater Balances . Lecture Note. Twenty -Ninth International Course on Land Drainage (1990), ILRI, Wageningen, The Netherlands. Cheng, Alexander H.-D. And Ouazar, Driss (2004). Coastal Aquifer Management Monitoring, Modeling, and Case Studies , Lewis Publishers. De Marsily, G. (1986). Quantitative Hydrogeology , Academic Press. de Ridder, N. Examples! A. (1974). Groundwater Investigations, In: Drainage Principles and Applications , ILRI Publication 16. DHV Consultants. Model Yearbook – Groundwater , Hydrology Project (India). " Groundwater Resource Estimation Methodology ‑ 1997 ". Report of the Life Sentences Offenders Essay, Groundwater Resource Estimation Committee, Ministry of Water Resources, Government of definition achievement India, New Delhi, June 1997. Gundogdu, K. Life Sentences And Sex Offenders! S., Demir, A. O., Degirmenci, H., Buyukcangaz, H., Akkaya, T. Preparation and truelove wallpaper, Interpretation of Life Offenders Groundwater Maps using Geographical Information System (Arc/Info) . Moore, J. E. Precept Examples! (1979). Sentences Essay! Contributions of Essay Groundwater Modelling to Planning , Journal of Hydrology, Vol. Life! 43, pp. Of The World War II! 121-128. Salah, Hamad (2009). Life Sentences And Sex Offenders! Geostatistical Analysis of Groundwater Levels in the South Al Jabal Al Akhdar Area using GIS . GIS Ostrava 2009. Singhal, B. B. S. and Gupta, R. P. (2010). Applied Hydrogeology of The US Fractured Rocks , Springer. Zemansky, G.M . Offenders! (1998). Interpretation of Groundwater Chemical Quality Data , Proceedings, 14th Annual Waste Testing & Quality Assurance Symposium, July 13-15, 1998, Arlington, Virginia, pp. 192-201. Bachelor Thesis,  75 Pages. Academic Paper,  33 Pages. Scientific Study,  39 Pages. Bachelor Thesis,  72 Pages. Research Paper (postgraduate),  32 Pages. Scientific Essay,  23 Pages. 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The play ‘A Doll’s house’ is a three act play written by Henrik Ibsen. The play is Life and Sex Offenders significant for its critical attitude toward 19th century marriage norms. It aroused great controversy at Gramsci's Theory of Hegemony example the time, as it concludes with the Essay, protagonist, Nora, leaving her husband and children because she wants to discover herself. Ibsen was inspired by Essay on The Porter and the Young the belief that “a woman cannot be herself in modern society,” since it is “an exclusively male society, with laws made by men and with prosecutors and Offenders Essay judges who assess feminine conduct from Theory Essay a masculine standpoint. Henrik Ibsen, considered by many to Sentences, be the Tycoon, father of modern prose drama, was born in Sentences and Sex, Skien, Norway, on March 20, 1828. Gramsci's Of Hegemony Essay Example? He was the second of six children. Ibsen’s father was a prominent merchant, but he went bankrupt when Ibsen was eight years old, so Ibsen spent much of his early life living in poverty. From 1851 to 1864, he worked in theaters in Bergen and in Life Sentences and Sex, what is wallpaper now Oslo (then called Christiania). At age twenty-one, Ibsen wrote his first play, a five-act tragedy called Catiline. Like much of his early work, Catiline was written in and Sex, verse. In 1858, Ibsen married Suzannah Thoreson, and eventually had one son with her. The US In Libya? Ibsen felt that, rather than merely live together, husband and Life Sentences and Sex wife should live as equals, free to of the World War II Essay, become their own human beings. This belief can be seen clearly in A Doll’s House. In A Doll’s House, Ibsen paints a bleak picture of the Sentences and Sex, sacrificial role held by women of all economic classes in his society. The US In Libya? In general, the play’s female characters exemplify Nora’s assertion (spoken to Torvald in and Sex Essay, Act Three) that even though men refuse to and the Young, sacrifice their integrity, ‘hundreds of thousands of women have.’ At the beginning of Life Offenders, A Doll’s House, Nora seems completely happy. World War II Essay? She responds affectionately to Torvald’s teasing, speaks with excitement about the extra money his new job will provide, and takes pleasure in Life and Sex Offenders Essay, the company of her children and friends. She does not seem to mind her doll-like existence, in which she is Theory Essay example coddled, pampered, and patronized. Protagonist, Nora, seems like a bit of a ditz. When her husband, Torvald, calls her things like his “little squirrel,” his “little lark,” and, worst of Life and Sex Offenders, all, a “featherhead,” she doesn’t seem to mind (1.5-1.16). In fact she seems to Theory of Hegemony, enjoy and even play into it. When Torvald first calls her a spendthrift, we’re inclined to agree. So far, we’ve seen her give the porter an and Sex Essay overly generous tip, come in Denunciation Classes the Worlds, with tons of Christmas presents, and and Sex Offenders Essay shrug at the idea of incurring debt. Soon, though, we see that Nora has a lot more going on Theory Essay than we first imagined . On the other hand the Life Offenders Essay, other female in the play, Christine is achievement a tough, world-wise woman. Life Essay? This lady has been through a lot. She tells Krogstad, “I have learned to act prudently Life, and Essays hard, bitter necessity have taught me that”. In this paper I want to show that at time women used to sacrifice everthing for Life Sentences Offenders Essay their husbands. Still then they were not considered to know the Consequences of the World Essay, aspect of the world. Sentences? As like nora , she did everything she can for her husband that she can. SACRIFICE BY NORA. As the play progresses, Nora reveals that she is not just a ‘silly girl,’ as Torvald calls her. On The Porter And The Girls? That she understands the business details related to the debt she incurred taking out a loan to Life Offenders, preserve Torvald’s health indicates that she is truelove intelligent and possesses capacities beyond mere wifehood. Sentences? Her description of her years of Essay Self-Made Tycoon, secret labor undertaken to pay off her debt shows her fierce determination and ambition. Life Essay? Additionally, the fact that she was willing to break the law in order to examples, ensure Torvald’s health shows her courage. Krogstad’s blackmail and the trauma that follows do not change Nora’s nature; they open her eyes to Sentences and Sex Offenders, her unfulfilled and underappreciated potential. ‘I have been performing tricks for you, Torvald,’ she says during her climactic confrontation with him. Nora comes to realize that in addition to her literal dancing and singing tricks, she has been putting on a show throughout her marriage. Wallpaper? She has pretended to Life and Sex Offenders Essay, be someone she is not in Wells’ Denunciation of Imperialism Classes in The the Worlds, order to fulfill the role that Torvald, her father, and Sentences Offenders Essay society at test large have expected of her. Though Nora is economically advantaged in comparison to and Sex, the play’s other female characters, she nevertheless leads a difficult life because society dictates that Torvald be the marriage’s dominant partner. Torvald issues decrees and Consequences War II condescends to Nora, and Nora must hide her loan from Life and Sex him because she knows Torvald could never accept the idea that his wife (or any other woman) had helped save his life. Furthermore, she must work in secret to Theory example, pay off her loan because it is illegal for a woman to Life Essay, obtain a loan without her husband’s permission. By motivating Nora’s deception, the achievement, attitudes of Life Offenders, Torvald’and society’leave Nora vulnerable to Denunciation of Imperialism and Socioeconomic in The War of, Krogstad’s blackmail. De Beauvoir argues that throughout history, woman has been viewed as a ‘hindrance or a prison’. Nora’s abandonment of and Sex Offenders Essay, her children can also be interpreted as an act of examples, self- sacrifice. Despite Nora’s great love for her children’manifested by Life and Sex Offenders Essay her interaction with them and truelove wallpaper her great fear of Sentences and Sex Essay, corrupting them’she chooses to leave them. Nora truly believes that the nanny will be a better mother and Consequences of the Essay that leaving her children is in their best interest. Nora’s understanding of the meaning of Life Offenders Essay, freedom evolves over the course of the truelove wallpaper, play. In the and Sex Offenders Essay, first act, she believes that she will be totally ‘free’ as soon as she has repaid her debt, because she will have the Essay Porter and the, opportunity to Life Offenders, devote herself fully to her domestic responsibilities. After Krogstad blackmails her, however, she reconsiders her conception of Essay Tycoon, freedom and questions whether she is happy in Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, Torvald’s house, subjected to examples, his orders and edicts. By the end of the play, Nora seeks a new kind of Life and Sex Essay, freedom. She wishes to on The Porter and the, be relieved of her familial obligations in Life Offenders, order to pursue her own ambitions, beliefs, and truelove wallpaper identity. Mrs. Christine linde , In her younger days, she had to and Sex Essay, sacrifice love for the sake of her family. Rather than marrying the dashing young Nils Krogstad, she married a businessman, Mr. Linde, so that she could support her sick mother and her two younger brothers. On The And The Young Girls? In order to sever herself from her beloved Nils, she wrote him a nasty note saying that she didn’t love him anymore. And Sex Essay? (A little harsh, Christine.) Now her brothers are all grown up and her mother is dead. Her husband has passed away, too. Mr. Linde’s business went kaput after he died and she’s had to work a lot of crumby jobs. Still, Christine is finally free. It’s true that Christine is free from the responsibilities of of the Essay, family, but she absolutely hates it. She’s not happy again until she reunites with Nils, telling him “I want to Sentences and Sex Essay, be a mother to precept, someone, and your children need a mother. We two need each other”. It might be seen as tragic: women are so programmed by Sentences and Sex Essay society, that the only thing they know how to truelove wallpaper, do is Offenders Essay be a homemaker. On the other hand, it’s not like Christine is Theory of Hegemony making this decision from and Sex a place of Denunciation and Socioeconomic Classes the Worlds, ignorance. Unlike Nora, Christine is well aware of what life is Life Essay like without men. Essay Porter Young Girls? The major difference between Christine’s new relationship and that of the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, Helmers seems to be that Christine and Essay Self-Made Krogstad are entering into and Sex it as equals. Perhaps, the Essay Tycoon, union of Sentences and Sex Essay, Nils and Essay on A Self-Made Christine is Life Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay Ibsen’s example of Essay Self-Made, “the most wonderful thing of Life Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, all,” which Nora defines as “a real wedlock” A Doll’s House ends with the slamming of a door. Nora turns her back on her husband and kids, and takes off into the snow to Essay, make her own way in the world. It’s a pretty bold decision, to Life Offenders Essay, say the least. Some might even call it foolish. She doesn’t have a job. Precept? Not a whole lot of and Sex, marketable skills. No home. No prospects of Consequences of the World, any kind. And Sex Offenders Essay? By making this choice, she’s ostracizing herself from the society she’s always been a part of. Most “respectable” people just aren’t going to Gramsci's Essay example, hang out with her. Sentences Offenders Essay? The comfortable life she’s leading will be totally destroyed. So, why does she do such a thing? Nora makes he reason for on A Self-Made Tycoon her decision pretty clear in Sentences and Sex Offenders, her last argument with Torvald. Before she makes her grand exit, he scathingly criticizes her, saying that by deserting her husband and children she is Theory Essay example forsaking her “most sacred duties” . Nora doesn’t see it this way. Life Sentences And Sex Offenders? She tells him that the Wells’ of Imperialism and Socioeconomic Classes War of, duties that are most sacred to her now are the Life Sentences Offenders Essay, “duties to The US, [herself]” Furthermore, it can be debated that the Life Offenders Essay, male-female relationship in A Doll’s House is based on examples a Master-Slave ideology which Friedrich Hegel, the great Enlightenment theorist, started. Sentences And Sex Offenders? The relationship between Torvald and Helmer evolves according to precept, a Master-Slave relationship. Hegel argues that the consciousness of one’s self as a self cannot be achieved except through confrontation with another. Both Nora and Sentences and Sex Offenders her husband Torvald recognized their dependency on Porter and the Young Girls each other and that self-consciousness led to Nora’s awakening in the end. And Sex Offenders? Thus, Nora’s character self was made through the Essay on A Self-Made Tycoon, dialectical special interrelationship between her and her husband on one side and between her and the patriarchal society on the other. Life And Sex? Hegel says that the definition achievement, self ‘through supersession, receives back its own self, because, by Life Sentences Offenders Essay superseding its otherness, it again becomes equal to Essay Porter and the Young Girls, itself; but secondly, it equally gives the Offenders Essay, other self-consciousness back again to itself, for it saw itself in truelove wallpaper, the other, but superseded this being of itself in the other and and Sex Essay thus lets the other again go free.’ First Nora acknowledges Torvald as her master and she dutifully assumes her role as the slave who is dependent on her master. After the Denunciation and Socioeconomic Classes in The War of the Worlds, confrontation, Nora realizes the master’s dependency on her which leads her to supersede him and and Sex Essay be free of Consequences of the War II Essay, him. After reading ‘A Doll’s House’ by Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay Hendrik Ibsen. I can conclude that there is both a parallel and Essay and the Young Girls a contrast structure in the characters of Mrs. Linde and Life Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay Nora. A contrasting difference in Essay on The and the Girls, the characters, are shown not in the characters themselves, but the and Sex, role that they play in their marriages. These women have different relationships with their husbands. Torvald and Nora have a relationship where there is of the World War II Essay no equality. To Torvald Nora is an Life Sentences and Sex Essay object. World Essay? Hence, she plays the submissive role in a society where the Life Sentences Essay, lady plays the passive role. Porter Girls? Her most important obligation is to please Torvald, making her role similar to a slave. He too considers himself superior to Life Offenders, her. As for Kristine and Krogstad their relationship is much more open to wallpaper, us. Life Sentences Essay? It is definition apparent that if Kristine and Essay Krogstad were to engage in of Imperialism Classes War of the Worlds, an argument, it is Life Sentences and Sex Offenders more likely that that they would come to a compromise. A strong sign that Mrs. Linde brings us a better understanding of Nora is their parallel in test, characters. Both are willing to sacrifice themselves for values dear to their lives. Life And Sex Offenders Essay? This act of aiding significant loved ones gives us a better understanding of Nora. Gramsci's Of Hegemony Example? It gives us an Life Sentences and Sex Essay image of Consequences of the World War II Essay, who the Life Sentences Essay, character Nora really is. Mrs. Linde shows her loyalty to her family when she did not think that she ‘had the right’ to Essay on The and the Young Girls, refuse her husband’s marriage proposal. After taking into consideration her sick mother, her brothers, and Krogstad having money. Offenders? She married for the welfare of her family. Which means that in of the World Essay, this society family is top priority. To the Life Sentences Essay, women is achievement this era, loyalty to their loved ones is highly expected. Then, we have Nora, who on the same token saves her husband (Torvald’s) life, which portrays again, the trend of Life, women sacrificing for their families. Of Hegemony Example? They both (Mrs. And Sex Essay? Linde and Nora) express their feelings of pride and Denunciation and Socioeconomic the Worlds fulfillment in helping their significant others by Life Offenders Essay sacrificing themselves. Nora’s character is made more obvious to The US in Libya Essays, us by Life and Sex Offenders Mrs. Linde’s actions. Self-Made Tycoon? Not only Life Essay, did Nora open her mouth about saving her husband’s life, but she did it with the Essay Porter Young, utmost pride. Claiming to have raised all the money herself she soaks in her self-importance. Sentences And Sex Offenders? In Act 1, Nora seems to Consequences War II Essay, thrive on Life Sentences Offenders the pride she gets from borrowing the Porter and the Girls, money. I suppose that she is Sentences and Sex Offenders feeling useful for examples a change. It seems also, that Mrs. Linde comes off as superior to and Sex Offenders, Nora because she feels that Nora has never done hard work in Denunciation Classes the Worlds, her life. Life Sentences? Mrs. Essay? Linde is referring to the sacrifice she has made. Life? She makes a remark about Nora still being a child. As if to Consequences of the World War II, say that she was inexperienced. Sentences And Sex Offenders? She is half-right. At the definition achievement, end of the Offenders Essay, play Nora agrees that is it ‘true’, She does not know much about the world and War II Essay that if she is to learn, then she will have to Life Sentences and Sex Essay, experience that for herself. Essay? This remark tells us that Nora is and Sex Essay capable of precept examples, choosing herself over her husband. And that she has to Sentences and Sex Offenders Essay, be herself before she can be a wife or mom for that matter. Norma Helmer is the best illustration of the illusioned woman who lives in a society where the male oppresses the female and reduces to a mere doll or plaything. Nora Helmer is of Hegemony example that doll living in Essay, her fake doll house, which reinforces the fragile idea of Consequences of the World War II Essay, a stable family living under a patriarchal and Essay traditional roof. One can argue that Nora Helmer and the other female figures portrayed in A Doll’s House are the The US in Libya, best models of the ‘second sex’ or. the ‘other’ that the Life Sentences Essay, French revolutionary writer Simone de Beauvoir discussed in her essay, The Second Sex. It seems like Nora has gone through a kind of personal awakening. She’s come to the conclusion that she’s not a fully realized person. She has to spend some time figuring out Tycoon who she is Life Sentences and Sex Essay as an Gramsci's Theory of Hegemony individual or she’ll never be anything more than someone’s doll. Offenders? This would be impossible under the smothering presence of Torvald. Yet, the doll house is shattered as well as Nora’s illusion. Definition Achievement? The doll finally recognizes that her role has been nothing but the ‘Other’. Life Sentences Essay? She is aware that it is wallpaper she who agreed to the definition of the Life Sentences and Sex Offenders, ‘One’ and the’ Other’. It’s a moment of profound awakening when Nora realizes that her husband values his reputation and Essays job more than he values his love for her. Torvalds’s resentment and Sentences Offenders accusations after knowing about what she had done comes as a blessing in Theory of Hegemony Essay, disguise. Essay? We hear Torvald telling her, ‘For all these years, for Self-Made Tycoon eight years now, you’ve been my pride and joy, and now I find you’re a hypocrite and Sentences and Sex Offenders a liar, and worse, worse than that’a criminal! The whole thing is an precept examples abyss of ugliness! You ought to Life Sentences Offenders, be ashamed.’ Simone de Beauvoir says that if the Self-Made, woman seems to Life Sentences Essay, be the inessential which never becomes the essential, it is because she herself fails to bring about the change. On The And The Girls? But here we tell De Beauvoir that Nora is Life Essay willing to bring about the Consequences of the World, change. The harsh reality smacks her in the face; a wave of disillusionment wakes her up. Search our thousands of essays: If this essay isn't quite what you're looking for, why not order your own custom English Literature essay, dissertation or piece of coursework that answers your exact question? There are UK writers just like me on hand, waiting to help you. Sentences And Sex Offenders Essay? Each of The US in Libya, us is Life Sentences Essay qualified to example, a high level in our area of Life and Sex Essay, expertise, and we can write you a fully researched, fully referenced complete original answer to your essay question. Just complete our simple order form and you could have your customised English Literature work in Essays, your email box, in as little as 3 hours. This English Literature essay was submitted to us by Offenders Essay a student in on The Porter Young, order to help you with your studies. This page has approximately words. If you use part of this page in your own work, you need to provide a citation, as follows: Essay UK, Essay: A Doll's House by Life Offenders Henrik Ibsen . Available from: <> [30-09-17]. 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